
While there are more than one thousand Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA) groups in the United States, love and sex addition is still wildly misunderstood. Psychologist and bestselling memoirist Kerry Cohen can testify that it is a real problem, one that she sees in her practice, one that she's lived herself, and one that deserves a new self-help approach.

Sex and love addiction is shrouded in secrecy and shame; it's not listed in the DSM, nor is its treatment included in most training programs for counselors. This leaves countless people with few resources. Cohen helps define what SLA is, removing it from a binary all-or-nothing disorder of extremes, opening it up to include recurring issues with relationships and intimacy, to establish and define the love and sex addiction spectrum. Based in research and her own clinical experience, with self-assessment tools and exercises, Cohen's guide helps readers to determine where they are on the spectrum–and how to get the help they need to have the loving, fulfilling relationships they want and deserve.